Biography / Background
Employment History
Science Awards
Publications / Books
Workshop papers
Science blogs
Teaching subjects
Views: 6136 - Lastest Update: 5/23/2018
Tiến sĩ Đào Thị Bích Diệp
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Khoa Hóa Học |
Floor/Room |
Nhà A4 - Trường Đại học Sư phạm Hà Nội |
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Tiếng Anh (Toefl IBT 99), |
Biography / Background
Employment History
- 2014-nay, Giảng viên, ĐHSP Hà Nội, Khoa Hoá học
- 2009-2014, Tiến sĩ, ĐH Washington, St.Louis, Mỹ
Science Awards
- 2009-2014, Cử nhân khoa học , Đại học SP Hà Nội , Advisor: Trần Vĩnh Quý, Level: Bachelor/Engineer, Type: Regular
- 2009-2014, Tiến sĩ khoa học , Đại học Washington, St. Louis, Mỹ, Advisor: Richard Mabbs , Level: Doctor, Type: Regular
Publications / Books
- 2015, ThomasC. Jagau, Diep B. Dao, Nicholas S. Holtgrewe, Anna I. Krylov, and Richard Mabbs, Same but Different: DipoleStabilized Shape Resonances in CuF− and 2 AgF −, The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 6 (14), 2786–2793
- 2014, Diep Bich Dao and Richard Mabbs, The effect of the dipole bound state on AgF− vibrationally resolved photodetachment cross sections and photoelectron angular distributions, The Journal of Chemical Physics, 141, 141, 154304
- 2014, Foster Mabaiwa, Nicholas Holtgrewe, Diep Bich Dao, Joshua Lasinski, and Richard Mabbs, Photoelectron Angular Distributions as Probes of Cluster Anion Structure: I−·(H2O)2 and I −·(CH3CN)2, Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 118 (35), 7249–7254
- 2014, Richard Mabbs, Nicholas Holtgrewe, Diep Bich Dao and Joshua Lasinski, Photodetachment and Photodissociation of the linear CuO2− Molecular Anion: Energy and Time dependence of Cu− Production, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., , 16, 497-504
- 2012, Foster Mbaiwa, Diep Dao, Nicholas Holtgrewe, Joshua Lasinski, Richard Mabbs, Inter channel effects in monosolvated atomic iodide cluster anion detachment: Correlation of the anisotropy parameter with solvent dipole momen, 136(11), Journal of Chemical Physics, 00219606
- 2011, Matthew Van Duzor, Foster Mbaiwa, Joshua Lasinski, Diep Dao, Nicholas Holtgrewe, Richard Mabbs, Near threshold Cl −·CH3I photodetachment: Apparent 2P1/2 channel suppression and enhanced 2P3/2 channel vibrational excitation, The Journal of Chemical Physics, , 00219606
Workshop papers
Science blogs
Teaching subjects