ĐHSPHN - Hoàng Thị Kim Huệ
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Biography / Background Qualifications Employment History Science Awards Education Projects Publications / Books Workshop papers Science blogs Teaching subjects
Views: 4573 - Lastest Update: 6/25/2024

Tiến sỹ Hoàng Thị Kim Huệ

Position Head of Department
Org Unit Khoa Quản lí Giáo dục
Floor/Room Tầng 2 nhà D3, Trường ĐHSP Hà Nội.
Email huehk@hnue.edu.vn
Language (),
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Biography / Background

Ph.D, (in Education), Hanoi National University of Education. 2018.

Master of Education (Theory and history of Education), Hanoi National University of Education. 2010.

Bachelor of Art (Education – Psychology Pedagogy), Hanoi National University of Education.  2005.

Certificate of Teaching Methods: Blended Learning, Artevelde University College Ghent, 2018

Certificate of English for Education Management, Language Link, 2018.

Certificate of Manager Training for University and College’s Faculty, Department, Institute of Education Management. 2013.

Certificate of Interactive Pedagogy, Vietnam National University and University of Québec in Trois Rivièsres, Québec, Canada. 2006.

Certificate of teaching for E-learning, Hanoi University of Education and IT&T Hanoi Joint Stock Company. 2006.

Certificate of lecture and textbook designing on Television, Hanoi National University of Education. 2005.


    Employment History

      Science Awards

      • 2018,Supervisor of Scientific Research Student Award, Hanoi National University of Education
      • 2004,Scientific Research Student Award, Ministry of Education and Training


      • 2017, , Đại học Sư phạm Hà Nội, Advisor: GS.TS Nguyễn Lộc, PGS.TS Nguyễn Vũ Bích Hiền, Level: Doctor, Type: Regular
      • 2010, , Đại học Sư phạm Hà Nội, Advisor: PGS.TS Bùi Văn Quân, Level: Bachelor/Engineer, Type: Regular
      • 2005, , Đại học Sư phạm Hà Nội, Advisor: PGS.TS Bùi Minh Hiền, Level: Bachelor/Engineer, Type: Regular


      RESEARCH AND GRANT: Investigator

      1. Designing questionnaire and proposing of examining plan of competency assessment and in-service training need analysis of teacher based on teacher standard. Code: HD 12, Funding Body: Enhancing Teacher Education Program (ETEP), Ministry of Education and Training.
      2. Management methods for improvement of teachers’ professional capacity of the primary schools’ principals in Hanoi in order to meet teaching requirements in accordance with the standard knowledge and skills, Code: SPHN-12-177, Funding Body: Hanoi National University of Education, 2012-2013

      Consultant and trainer

      Childfund Vietnam NGO, VN04-033 Project Learning for children, Counselor and trainer of School Management Training Program for school managers of preschools and primary schools at Ngan Son district, Bac Kan provinces – 2017-2020

      The Second Upper Secondary Education Development Project, Counselor and trainer of module Education planning for school for more than 2000 upper secondary school principals and module positive discipline methods for managers and key teachers of upper secondary schools – 2017 – 2018

      137 Program between MOET and Nhi Dong magazine, Counselor and trainer of Life skill for children training – 2017 –

      Plan International NGO, Gender Equality training for K-12 students.

      Secondary Education at The Most Difficult Areas Project, Ministry of Education and Training, Vietnam: Counselor and trainer of module Children right and positive discipline educating for managers and key teachers of general schools in Vietnam – 2013

      Handicap International NGO: Counselor and trainer of module Children with disability supporting and communicating for Backan province’s secondary students - 2010

      Save Children Sweden NGO: Counselor and trainer of module Class management innovation by positive discipline methods for managers and key teachers of general school in Vietnam – 2008

      Publications / Books



                1.   Hoang Thi Kim Hue (2017) (co-author), School leadership and management in education innovation context handbook, Teaching and learning management in schools, University of Education Publishing House.

               2. Hoang Thi Kim Hue (2015) (co-author), School leadership and management, Teacher professional autonomy development, University of Education Publishing House.

       Professional Articles


      1. Hoang Thi Kim Hue (2020) (co-author), Vietnamese Education System and Teacher Training: Focusing on Science Education, Asia-Pacific science education, Volume 6: Issue 1, pp. 179–206
      2. Hoang Thi Kim Hue (2020) (co-author), Autonomous public high school model with adaptation of education innovation in Vietnam, HNUE journal of science, Education science,  2020, Volume 65, Issue 7, pp. 58-66
      3. Hoang Thi Kim Hue (2020) (co-author), Management of school based teacher training at private preschools, Journal of Educational management science, No.02(26), 6/2020.
      4. Hoang Thi Kim Hue (2020) (co-author), Legal framework of public high school’ autonomy right in Vietnam today, Journal of Education management, 2020, Vol.12, No4, pp.109-114.
      5. Hoang Thi Kim Hue (2017) (co-author), Teacher educator competences framework: experiences of Vietnam and other countries in the world, HNUE journal of science, Education science, Volume 62, Issue 1A, 2017, pp. 236-243
      6. Hoang Thi Kim Hue (2016), International experiences of teaching staff in university based on human resource management approach, HNUE journal of science, Education science, N06B, pp.
      7. Hoang Thi Kim Hue (2016) (co-author), university autonomy and some issues for Hanoi National University of Education, HNUE journal of science, Education science, Volume 61, N08A, pp.
      8. Hoang Thi Kim Hue (2016) (co-author), University autonomy, way of reconstruction and attaining teacher education institutions index, Journal of Education Equipment, Special Number, (11), pp.
      9. Nguyen Vu Bich Hien, Nguyen Van Anh, Hoang Thi Kim Hue (2013), Bachelor of Educational Management Training Program: International experience and adaptation in Vietnamese Context. HNUE journal of science, Education science. Volume 8, No 4, 168-173.
      10. Hoang Thi Kim Hue (2013), The influence of educational philosophy on the supervisory method of instructional leaders. HNUE journal of science, Education science, volume 58, Number 6A, 174-181.
      11. Hoang Thi Kim Hue (2012). Research on teacher’s professional autonomy according to harmonious management. Journal of Education management, 39(6), 14-20.
      12. Hoang Thi Kim Hue (2012). Some theoretical issues on professional autonomy among teachers. Journal of Educational Science, 84(9), 36-38.

      Workshop papers

      Keynote Addresses and Papers Presented


      1. Hoang Thi Kim Hue (2019) (co-author) Teacher educator autonomy development according to human resource management approach, Leadership and policy innovation in the digital age, International Conference of Ho Chi Minh national academy of politics

      2. Hoang Thi Kim Hue (2018) (co-author), State of teaching staff autonomy in context of university autonomy, International Experience on Higher Education autonomy,  Foreign Trade University
      3. Hoang Thi Kim Hue (2012), Developing professional autonomy capacity of teachers according to harmonious management, Keynote Address at Conference of Young Lecturers, Educational Management Faculty, Hanoi National University of Education.
      4. Hoang Thi Kim Hue (2011) Organizing general School Committee in Vietnam according to school based management approach. Paper presented at National Conference of Young Lecturers of Education Universities, Hanoi National University of Education.
      5. Hoang Thi Kim Hue (2010), Subject designing according to credit training demand (applying for Continuing Education Management subject), paper presented at Conference of Young Lecturers, Educational Management Faculty, Hanoi National University of Education.
      6. Hoang Thi Kim Hue (2009), Examination organizing in feudal time and experiences which could be applied in educational management in current time , Keynote Address at Conference of Young Lecturers, Educational Management Faculty, Hanoi National University of Education.
      7. Hoang Thi Kim Hue (2006), Applying designing technique  of teaching video in Educational Management major, Keynote Address at Educational Management Faculty seminar, Hanoi National University of Education.

      Science blogs

      Teaching subjects
