Biography / Background
Employment History
Science Awards
Publications / Books
Workshop papers
Science blogs
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Views: 5886 - Lastest Update: 5/30/2018
Tiến Sĩ Lê Minh Thư
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Khoa Vật Lí |
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Nhà C, 136 Xuân Thủy, Cầu Giấy Hà Nội |
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Biography / Background
Employment History
- 2003 - present, Lecturer, Faculty of Physics, Hanoi National University of Education
Science Awards
Publications / Books
- 2018, Bui Duc Tinh, Le Minh Thu, and Nguyen Quang Hoc, Magnetization in high-Tc superconductors, Journal of Science of Hanoi Metropolitian University, 20, 87-92
- 2017, Bui Duc Tinh, Le Minh Thu and Nguyen Minh Tam, The effect of thermal fluctuation on the c-axis AC conductivity of high TC superconductor superconductor, Hội nghị khoa học ngành Vật lý, Trường Đại học Sư phạm Hà Nội 2, No. 50,
- 2017, Duong Quoc Van, Le Minh Thu, Nguyen Minh Thuy, V-doped TiO2 anatase: calculation and experiment, Journal of science of HNUE Mathematical and Physical Sci., 62, 127-134
- 2016, Bui Duc Tinh, Pham Gia Hien, Le Minh Thu and Nguyen Quang Hoc, The complex fluctuation conductivity in high-TC superconductor at zero magnetic field, Journal of Science of Hanoi Metropolitian University , 2, 46-52
- 2016, Duong Quoc Van, Le Minh Thu, Nguyen Manh Nghia and Nguyen Minh Thuy, A DFT study on N-Doped TiO2 anatasse, Journal of science of HNUE, 61, 157-164
- 2014, B.D. Tinh, L.M. Thu, L.V. Hoa, Complex conductivity in strongly fluctuating layered superconductors, Condensed Matter Physics, Vol. 17, No 1, 13703: 1–8
- 2014, Bui Duc Tinh, Nguyen Quang Hoc, Le Minh Thu, Transverse thermoelectric conductivity and magnetization in high-Tc superconductors, Euro. Phys. J. B , 87, 284
- 2014, Bui DucTinh, Le Minh Thu, Le Viet Hoa, Nguyen ManhCuong, Fluctuation Hall conductivity in high Tc superconductor under magnetic field, J. Super. Mag., Vol.27, 359
- 2013, L. M. Thu, W. T. Chiu, and O. Voskoboynikov, “Negative”-diamagnetism of three dimensional arrays of semiconductor nano-rings, Phys. Status Solidi B , 250, No. 10, 2080–2084
- 2013, Oleksandr Voskoboynikov, W. T. Chiu, and L. M. Thu, Exciton wave function localization and exciton diamagnetic coefficient in semiconductor quantum rings without reflection symmetry, Phys. Rev. B, 88, 085310-1-10
- 2012, Bui Duc Tinh and Le Minh Thu, AC fluctuation conductivity in type-II superconductors, Modern Physics Letters B, Vol. 26, No. 22, 1250143-1-4
- 2012, Bui Duc Tinh and Le Minh Thu, Electrical conductivity in type-II superconductors under a magnetic field, Proc. Natl. Conf. Theor. Phys. , 37, 24-30
- 2012, L. M. Thu, W. T. Chiu and O. Voskoboynikov, Effect of size and shape dispersion on the averaged magnetic response of ensembles of semiconductor quantum rings, Phys. Rev. B , 85, 205419-1-9
- 2012, Le Minh Thu, and Bui Duc Tinh, Effect of size Dispersion on the Averaged Magnetic Susceptibility of Ensembles of Semiconductor Quantum Rings, Proc. Natl. Conf. Theor. Phys. , 37, 37-41
- 2011, L. M. Thu and O. Voskoboynikov, Electromagnetic Response of Three Dimensional Arrays of Quantum Dot Molecules, AIP Conf. Proc. , 1400, 405-410
- 2011, L. M. Thu, W. T. Chiu and O. Voskoboynikov, Effect of geometry on the excitonic diamagnetic shift of nano-rings, Phys. Status Solidi C, 8, 285-287
- 2011, L. M. Thu, W. T. Chiu and O. Voskoboynikov, Effects of geometrical shape dispersion on inhomogeneous broadening of excitonic peaks of semiconductor nano-objects, Phys. Rev. B, 83, 125301-1-6
- 2011, Yu L. Hsueh, Le M. Thu, Oleksandr Voskoboynikov, Simulation of Spectral Characteristics of Dispersive Ensembles of Semiconductor Quantum Dots, Advances and Trends in Engineering Materials, Advanced Engineering Solutions, 2011, 149-157
- 2010, L. M. Thu and O. Voskoboynikov, Magneto-optics of two dimensional arrays of semiconductor quantum dot molecules, Physica E, 42, 887 - 889
- 2010, L. M. Thu and O. Voskoboynikov, Unusual Diamagnetism in Semiconductor Nano-Objects, Physics Procedia, 3, 1133-1137
- 2010, L. M. Thu and O. Voskoboynikov, Simulation of an asymmetrical nano ring by mapping of the realistic electronic confinement potential, AIP Conf. Proc. , 1233, 952-957
- 2010, L. M. Thu and O. Voskoboynikov, Optical response of quantum dot multilayer structures, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser., 245, 012070-1-4
- 2010, L. M. Thu and O. Voskoboynikov, Computer simulation of the non-uniform and anisotropic diamagnetic shift of electronic energy levels in double quantum dot molecules, Comput. Mater. Sci., 49, S281-S283
- 2010, L. M. Thu, W. T. Chiu and O. Voskoboynikov, Temperature stable positive magnetic susceptibility of semiconductor wobbled nano rings, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser., 245, 012042-1-4
- 2010, L. M. Thu, W. T. Chiu, Shao-Fu Xue, Ta-Chun Lin, and O. Voskoboynikov, Binding energy of magneto-biexcitons in semiconductor nano-rings, Physics Procedia, 3, 1149–1153
- 2009, L. M. Thu and O. Voskoboynikov, Magneto-optics of layers of double quantum dot molecules, Phys. Rev. B, 80, 155442
- 2009, L. M. Thu and O. Voskoboynikov, Magneto-optics of layers of semiconductor quantum dot molecules like a source of quantum mechanical information, Proceeding of the 3rd international Conference on Computational Method for Coupled Problems in Science and Engineering, (ECCOMAS)2009, 1 - 4
- 2009, Thu Le Minh and Oleksandr Voskoboynikov, Magneto-optics of layers of triple quantum dot molecules, Phys. Status Solidi B, 246, No 4, 771–774
Workshop papers
Reports at Conferences 1. L. M. Thu and O. Voskoboynikov, The 5th International Conference on Semiconductor Quantum Dots, May, 11th -16th, 2008, Gyeongju, Korea. 2. L. M. Thu and O. Voskoboynikov, The IEEE Nanotechnology and Materials and Devices Conference, October, 20th-22nd, 2008, Kyoto, Japan. 3. Thu Le Minh and O. Voskoboynikov, Int. Conf. on Computational Methods for Coupled Problems in Science and Engineering, 2009, Italy. 4. L. M. Thu and O. Voskoboynikov, The 18th International Conference on Electronic Properties of Two-Dimensional (EP2DS-18) Systems, July 19th-24th, 2009, Kobe, Japan. 5. L. M. Thu and O. Voskoboynikov, The 14th International conference on Narrow Gap Semiconductors and Systems, July, 2009, Sendai, Japan. 6. L. M. Thu, W. T. Chiu, Shao-Fu Xue, and O. Voskoboynikov, The 14th International conference on Narrow Gap Semiconductors and Systems, July, 2009, Sendai, Japan. 7. L. M. Thu and O. Voskoboynikov, The 5th Conference of the Asian Consortium on Computational Material Science (ACCMS-5), September 7th- 11th, 2009, Hanoi, Vietnam. 8. L. M. Thu and O. Voskoboynikov, The ISCM II and EPMESC XII, 31, Nov.- 03, Dec., 2009, Hong Kong – Macau. 9. L. M. Thu and O. Voskoboynikov, The 6th International Conference on Semiconductor Quantum Dots, 26-30 April 2010, Nottingham, England. 10. L. M. Thu, W. T. Chiu and O. Voskoboynikov, The 6th International Conference on Semiconductor Quantum Dots, 26-30 April 2010, Nottingham, England. 11. L. M. Thu, W. T. Chiu and O. Voskoboynikov, The 37th International Symposium on Compound Semiconductors, 31 May - 4 June, Takamatsu Symbol Tower, Kagawa, Japan. 12. L. M. Thu and O. Voskoboynikov, The 37th International Symposium on Compound Semiconductors, 31 May - 4 June, Takamatsu Symbol Tower, Kagawa, Japan. 13. L. M. Thu and O. Voskoboynikov, International Conference and 7th International Workshop on Auxetic and Related Systems, July, 19th - 23rd, 2010, Gozo and Malta. 14. Y. L. Hsueh, L. M. Thu, and O. Voskoboynikov, Physics Meet Biology, September, 1st - 3rd, 2010, St. Catherine’s College, Oxford, UK. 15. L. M. Thu and O. Voskoboynikov, Advances in Applied Physics and Materials Science Congress, 12-15, May, 2011, Antalya, Turkey. 16. L. M. Thu and O. Voskoboynikov, AES – ATEMA 2011, Seventh International Conference, 4-8, July 2011, Milan, Italy. 17. L. M. Thu and O. Voskoboynikov, Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology, ICNANO, 19-22, Dec. 2011, Delhi, India. 18. L. M. Thu and O. Voskoboynikov, 10th International Conference on Excitonic Processes in Condensed Matter, Nanostructures and Molecular Materials, 2-6, July, 2012, Groningen, The Netherlands. 19. Le Minh Thu and Bui Duc Tinh, 1st International Workshop on Theoretical and Computational Physics (IWTCP-1): Condensed Matter, Soft Matter and Materials Physics, 30 July - 2 August, 2013, Da Nang, Viet Nam. 20. Le Minh Thu, Bui Duc Tinh, Nguyen Thi Huyen Trang and Doan Duc Lam, International Symposium on Nano Materials, Technology and Applications, 15-17, Oct, 2014, Ha Noi, Viet Nam. 21. Bui Duc Tinh and Le Minh Thu, International Symposium on Nano Materials, Technology and Applications, 15-17, Oct, 2014, Ha Noi, Viet Nam. 22. Le Minh Thu, Bui Duc Tinh, Duong Quoc Van and Nguyen Thanh Thuy, Effect of radius and height variation on the magnetic response of symmetrical quantum rings, Report at the 3rd International Symposium on Frontiers of Materials Science, 28-30 Sept., 2016, Ha Noi, Viet Nam. 23. Duong Quoc Van, Le Minh Thu and Nguyen Minh Thuy, A DFT study on TiO2 - graphene hybrids, Report at the 3rd International Symposium on Frontiers of Materials Science, 28-30 Sept., 2016, Ha Noi, Viet Nam. 24. Bui Duc Tinh, Le Minh Thu and Nguyen Quang Hoc, The c- axis fluctuation conductivity of high Tc superconductors in magnetic field, Report at the 3rd International Symposium on Frontiers of Materials Science, 28-30 Sept., 2016, Ha Noi, Viet Nam.
Science blogs
Teaching subjects