Biography / Background
Employment History
Science Awards
Publications / Books
Workshop papers
Science blogs
Teaching subjects
Views: 11354 - Lastest Update: 7/26/2018
Tiến sĩ (PhD) Dao Minh Duc (Đào Minh Đức)
Position |
Giảng viên |
Telephone |
Org Unit |
Khoa Tâm Lí - Giáo dục |
Floor/Room |
Nhà V- Tầng 6, trường Đại học Sư phạm Hà Nội, 136 Xuân Thuỷ, Quận Cầu Giấy, Hà Nội |
Email | |
Language |
English (BA), |
Biography / Background
- 2012, Certificate of Best practices in the Education, Training and Supervision of School Psychologists., HNUE and Saint John University, #
- 2012, Certificate of Consultation/Counseling for Treatment of Drug Abuse., Family Health International (FHI), #
- 2012, Certificate of School Psychology and Special Education in the Netherland., HNUE in collaboration with VU University Amsterdam- Neitherland, #
- 2012, Certiicate of WISC assessment Test (Weschler Inteligent Scale for Children)., University of Education - Pearson, #
- 2012, Living Value Education Program Certificate, Trish Summerfield, #
- 2011, Certificate of Social work knowledge and skills related to homeless people and violent children in schools., HNUE - San Jose State Uni - Julier Venus Uni, #
- 2010, Case Management Certificate for PLWHA, OVC, IDU, SW (general and high), MdM- Medicine Du Monde - France, #
- 2008, Result-based project report writing Certificate., CECEM Organization, #
Employment History
Science Awards
Publications / Books
Workshop papers
Science blogs
Teaching subjects