ĐHSPHN - Vũ Đức Liêm
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Biography / Background Qualifications Employment History Science Awards Education Projects Publications / Books Workshop papers Science blogs Teaching subjects
Views: 14143 - Lastest Update: 1/27/2021

Dr. Vũ Đức Liêm

Position Lecturer/Researcher
Org Unit Khoa Lịch Sử
Floor/Room Nhà B, Trường ĐHSP Hà Nội.
Email liemvd@hnue.edu.vn
Language English (Proficient), German and Thai (basic communication skills), Sino Vietnamese and Chinese (good command), Vietnamese (native speaker),
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Biography / Background


    Employment History

    • From 2008, History Department, HNUE

    Science Awards

    • 2017,Research fund, Hamburg University, valuing approx. EURO 7,000.
    • 2015,Research fund, Hamburg University, valuing approx. EURO €2,000.
    • 2014,Research Fund, The Center for Vietnamese Philosophy, Culture and Society, Temple University, Philadelphia, USA, 2014 , valuing approx. 10,000 USD.
    • 2013,German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD): PhD scholarship, Hamburg University, Germany, valuing approx. EURO €60,000.
    • 2012,Graduate Fellowship, National University of Singapore (NUS), valuing approx. 6,000 SGD
    • 2012,SEASREP Foundation Fellowship, valuing approx. 7,000 USD
    • 2012,The Project of Empowering Network for International Thai Studies (ENITS) Scholarship 2012, valuing approx. THB 40,000.
    • 2010-2012,WMSEA Fellowship 2010-2012, Rockefeller Foundation and Southeast Asian Studies Program, Chulalongkorn University, valuing approx. 38,000 USD.
    • 2008,Bằng khen của Ban chấp hành Trung ương Đoàn thanh niên cộng sản Hồ Chí Minh về thành tích đạt giải Nhì, Giải thưởng “Sinh viên Nghiên cứu khoa học” năm 2008
    • 2008,Tốt nghiệp loại Giỏi, Thủ khoa, Khóa học 2004-2008.
    • 2007-2008,Giải Nhì cấp quốc gia, cuộc thi sinh viên nghiên cứu khóa học
    • 2003-2004,Giải Nhì, Kỳ thi chọn học sinh giỏi Quốc gia, Môn Lịch sử.


    • 2013-2020, Doctoral Program, Hamburg University, Advisor: Prof. Kai Vogelsang and Prof. Jörg Thomas Engelbert, Level: Bachelor/Engineer, Type: Regular
    • 2010-2012, Graduate Study, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand, Advisor: Assoc. Prof. Sunait Chutintaranond and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Montira Rato, Level: Master, Type: Regular
    • 2008-2010, Graduate Study, Hanoi National University of Education , Advisor: Dr. Duong Duy Bang, Level: Master, Type: Regular
    • 2008, Undergraduate, Hanoi National University of Education , Advisor: Dr. Duong Duy Bang, Level: Bachelor/Engineer, Type: Regular


    • 2015-2017, , Thành viên tham gia đề tài: Tổ chức quản lý biển, đảo của các nhà nước Việt Nam trong lịch sử thế kỷ XV-XIX, Đề tài ĐHQGHN - QG.15.51, Chủ nhiệm: PGS. TS. Nguyễn Mạnh Dũng (ĐHQG HN),

    Publications / Books

    • 2019, Vũ Đức Liêm, Connecting networks and orienting space: relocating Nguyen Cochinchina between East and Southeast Asia in the sixteenth and eighteenth centuries, in Imagining Asia: Networks, Actors, Sites, eds., Andrea Acri, Kashshaf Ghani, Murari Jha, and Sraman Mukherhee (Singapore: ISEAS–Yusof Ishak Institute, forthcoming), ,
    • 2019, Vũ Đức Liêm, Writing national history at the margins: navigating Ha Tien in the making of early modern Vietnam, in Challenges of Writing Inclusive National Histories, ed., Maria Serena I. Diokno (London: Routledge, forthcoming)., ,
    • 2019, Vũ Đức Liêm, VILLAGE REBELLION AND SOCIAL VIOLENCE IN EARLY NINETEENTH CENTURY VIETNAM, in A Global History of Early Modern Violence, eds., Peter H. Wilson, Marie Houllemare and Erica Charters (Manchester: Manchester University Press, forthcoming)., ,
    • 2018, Vũ Đức Liêm, “Mythische Vergangenheit Und Die Politik Der Nationalen Identität Im Heutigen Vietnam” , in Vietnam. Mythen Und Wirklichkeiten, ed. Jörg. Wischermann and Gerhard. Will (Bonn: Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung, 2018), 63–89.,
    • 2017, Vu Duc Liem, The age of the Sea Falcons: Naval Warfare in Vietnam, 1771-1802, in Beyond Courts and Colonists: New Sources and Reconstructions of Indigenous Warfare in Early Modern Southeast Asia, edited by Michael Charney and Kathryn Wellen. Nordic Institute of Asian Studies Press - NIAS Press, 103-129,
    • 2016, Vu Duc Liem, Thai people and the Sea: maritime interaction and management, and the establishment of the territorial waters in Thai history, Journal of Research and Development, 1 (127), 104-127. (In Vietnamese)
    • 2016, Vu Duc Liem, Vietnam at the crossroad of Area and Global studies: Vietnamese knowledge of Southeast Asia and New Approaches, Journal of Historical Studies, No. 1 (477), 58-69 (In Vietnamese)
    • 2016, Vu Duc Liem, “Manuscript and political power in early nineteenth century Vietnam”, in Researching history: New Approaches, ed., History Department, Hanoi National University of Education. Hanoi. Hanoi: Ly luan chinh tri Publishing house, pp. 445-462 (in Vietnamese),
    • 2016, Vu Duc Liem, Weaving Mekong, Connecting Pasts and Integrating Future: ASEAN’s young scholarship and regional connectivity, in Engaging with Vietnam Conference, eds., Leigh G. Dwyer, Phan Le Ha, and Le Thuy Linh, Hanoi: The Gioi Publishing House, pp. 294-315
    • 2016, Vu Duc Liem, Vietnam at the Khmer Frontier: Boundary Politics, 1802–1847, Crosscurrents: East Asian History and Culture Review,, vol. 5 no. 2, 2016, 534-564. Project MUSE, doi:10.1353/ach.2016.0018
    • 2016, Vu Duc Liem, Symbolizing the language of power: paratextual structure and textual organization of the Nguyen bureaucratic manuscript, 1802-1841, in Royal Antiquities in Hue, volume 8, published by Hue Museum of Royal Antiquities, Hue city , (forthcoming), (in Vietnamese)
    • 2016, Vu Duc Liem, Relocating Nguyen Cochinchina between East and Southeast Asia in the Sixteenth to Eighteenth Centuries. , Journal of Research and Development , No. 4, pp.12-42, (in Vietnamese)
    • 2016, Vũ Đức Liêm, TÁI ĐỊNH VỊ XỨ ĐÀNG TRONG TRONG KHÔNG GIAN ĐÔNG Á VÀ ĐÔNG NAM Á, THẾ KỶ XVI-XVIII, Nghiên cứu và Phát triển, 4, 12-42
    • 2012, Vu Duc Liem, Rama III, Minh Mang and Power Paradigm of the early nineteenth century Mekong Valley, Rian Thai: International Journal of Thai Studies, Vol. 5/2012, pp. 1-34
    • 2011 , Vu Duc Liem, Area Studies and Early History of Southeast Asia: The Case Study of Srivijaya, Journal of Southeast Asian Studies, Vol. 9 (138), 2011, pp. 26-37 (in Vietnamese)
    • 2009, Vu Duc Liem (Co-author), Major Issues in Relationship between Southeast Asian Continental Countries and China (Ming Dynasty), (In Vietnamese), Chinese Studies Review, Vol. 95, pp. 74-87

    Workshop papers

    • 2017, “When savage turns to be Son of Heaven”: relocating Choson Korea and Nguyen Vietnam in Qing world order, Vietnam and Korea as "Longue Durée" Subject of Comparison, IIAS (Leiden), VNU (Hanoi), Asia Centre, Seoul National University (South Korea), Leiden University (the Netherlands), and École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (France): Hanoi, 3-4 March 2017 (forthcoming)
    • 2016, “Making National Ancestry: Hung Vuong and the Vietnamese Cultural Politics of Nationalizing Mythographical Heritage”, Vietnam Forum 2016: “Vietnam: Thirty years of Doi Moi and Beyond”. ISEAS, Singapore: 24-25 March 2016 (co-author)
    • 2016, Connecting Networks and Orienting Space: Relocating Nguyen Cochinchina between East and Southeast Asia in the Sixteenth to Eighteenth Centuries, Imagined Asia(s): Networks, Agents, Sites, NSC-NU (India) and ISEAS (Singapore). Singapore: 10-11 October 2016.
    • 2016, Sweating buffaloes and chaotic archives: Chauban (Vermilion Records) and Vietnam’s political culture, 1802-1841, the 5th International conference on Vietnamese studies. Hanoi: December 15-18, 2016
    • 2016, Toward an autonomous history of Hatien, Nicholas Tarling conference on Southeast Asian History: Manila, the Philippines: February 1-2, 2016
    • 2015, “Beyond the Empires: Bureaucratic Manuscripts and the Political Culture in early nineteenth-century Vietnam and China”, Winter Academy World Scripts: Concepts and Practices of Writing from a Comparative Perspective, Forum Transregionale Studien & Max Weber Stiftung, University of Cape Town, & French Institute South Africa: Cape Town, South Africa, September 4-14, 2015
    • 2015, “Bureaucratic manuscripts and the political culture in Vietnam (1802-1841)”, 8th European Association for Southeast Asian Studies (EUROSEAS), University of Vienna and the Austrian Academy of Sciences in Vienna, Austria: 11th to 14th August 2015
    • 2015, “Cities on the Moves: Seventeenth and Eighteenth-century Vietnamese Littoral Urbanization in the Context of Local and Global Competition”, International Conference on Inter-disciplinary approach on Researching on history of the Vietnamese Urban, USSH, VNU: Hanoi, September 2015 (Co-author)
    • 2015, “Knowledge of Superiority: Relocating Vietnamese Centrism in the Historical Views of Laos and Cambodia”, Seventh Engaging With Vietnam Conference, University of Hawaii, Portland University and Hanoi University of Business and Technology: Hanoi, 7-8 July 2015
    • 2015, “State Boundary vs. Civilized Frontier: Vietnam, the Khmer World and the Politics of Lines (1802-1847)”, Workshop on the Geobody of Vietnam, The Asia Center at Harvard University and the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity, Goettingen, Germany: May 21st – 22nd, 2015
    • 2014, "Bureaucratic Manuscripts and the Vietnamese Political Culture (1802-1841)”, CSMC, Hamburg University, 17.10.2014
    • 2014, “Introduction to the Vietnamese Manuscript Culture and the Nature of Chauban Collection during the Reigns of Gia Long and Minh Menh”, CSMC Graduate School, Hamburg University, January 30th, 2014
    • 2014, “Vietnam at the crossroad of Area and Global Studies: Vietnamese knowledge of Southeast Asia and new approaches”, Conference on New Historical Approaches on Studying Vietnam, Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences, Hanoi 11 September 2014
    • 2014, “Weaving Mekong, Connecting Pasts and Integrating Future: ASEAN’s Young Scholarship and Regional Connectivity”, in International Symposium of “Southeast Asian Studies in the Global Context”, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand: June 2nd, 2014
    • 2013, “Cities on the Move: Seventeenth-century Vietnamese Littoral Urbanization in the Context of Local and Global Competition”, Conference on Patterns of Early Asian Urbanization, IIAS, Leiden University’s Faculty of Archaeology and the Archaeology Unit of the Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, Singapore: Leiden, the Netherlands, 11-13 November 2013, http://www.iias.nl/event/patterns-early-asian-urbanism-0
    • 2012, Bangkok-Saigon Economic Space in the Early Nineteenth Century, Paper presented at the International Conference on Nguyen Vietnam, 1558-1885, May 10-12 2012, Hong Kong: the Institute for Humanities and Social Sciences, The University of Hong Kong and the Asia Center of Harvard University
    • 2012, Changing Political Landscape in Early Nineteenth Century Vietnam: A View from Lowland-Highland Interaction, Conference on World Wide Asia: Asian Flows and Global Impacts, Leiden University, Netherland, August 30- September 2nd, 2012
    • 2012, Early nineteenth century Lowland and Highland in Northern Vietnam: Negotiating and Contesting Space, The 4th Engaging with Vietnam: An Interdisciplinary Dialogue Conference, November 8-9, 2012, Monash University and East West Center, Honolulu, Hawai’i, University of Hawai’i at Manoa
    • 2012 , The Rise of Ha Tien in the Context of Autonomous History, Paper presented at the Siem Reap Symposium: “Southeast Asia and World History”, January 2-4, 2012
    • 2011, A New Historiography of the Pre-Colonial Southern Vietnam, Paper presented at the Conference on History as Controversy: Writing and Teaching Contentious Topics in Asian Histories, Singapore: ARI, NUS; Humanities & Social Studies Education, National Institute of Education, Singapore, and the Singapore Heritage Society, 14-15 December 2011
    • 2011, Early Nineteenth Century Vietnam: A Politics of Space, paper presented at the 3rd Engaging with Vietnam Conference 2011, December 4-5, 2011, Hanoi: Monash University and University of Social Sciences and Humanities, Vietnam National University, Hanoi
    • 2011, From Bangkok to Saigon: The Emergence of an Economic Space, 1782-1858, paper presents at the 11th International Conference on Thai Studies, Bangkok: Mahidol University, Bangkok, July 26-28, 2011
    • 2010, Weapon and Military Exchange between Ayutthaya and Japan in the Age of Commerce, in the 15th to the 17th Centuries. (in Vietnamese), Paper presented at the International Conference on Japan and Mekong Sub-Region: A Historical Relations, Hồ Chí Minh City: College of Social science and Humanities & Center for Japanese Studies, October 2010
    • 2009-2010, Early Myanmar Silver Coins and Funan Coins in Mainland Southeast Asian Markets in the first Millennium A.D, Yangon: Myanmar History from Myanmar Perspectives, SEAMEO CHAT and Singapore: the 5th Graduate Forum on Southeast Asia Studies 2010, ARI, NUS, 4th-10th, 2010
    • 2008, Trade relations of Srivijaya Empire (In the 7th to 13th centuries) (In Vietnamese), Hochiminh City: Ministry of Training and Education, Conference on Student Research
    • 2007, Commercial relation between India and Southeast Asia in the last few centuries B.C to the early centuries of the Christian Era through Archaeological Evidences (in Vietnamese), HNUE Student Research Conference, April 2007, Proceeding of Workshop on Students Research, University of Education Publishing House, Hanoi

    Science blogs

    Teaching subjects
