Các bài báo đăng trên tạp chí trong nước
1) Vu Van Hung, Nguyen Quang Hoc and Pham Thi Minh Hanh, Thermodynamic Quantities for Si and GaAs Semiconductors, Communications in Physics Vol. 16, No. 1 (2006), 55 - 64.
2) Ha Huy Bang, Dao Thi Le Thuy, and Nguyen Chinh Cuong, QCD correction to squark production in e+, e- annihilaton in the MSSM with complex parameters, Comm. in Phys, Vol. 16, N01 (2006), 26 - 33.
3) Ha Huy Bang, Dao Thi Le Thuy, and Nguyen Chinh Cuong, QCD correction to stop and sbottom production in e+ e - annihilaton in the MSSM with complex parameters, Comm. in Phys, Vol. 16, N01 (2006), 34 - 41.
4) V. V. Hung and N. T. Hoa, Study of nonlinear defprmation of binary alloys with body - centred cubic structure, J. Sci. HNUE, No. 1 (2006), 51 - 59.
5) V. V. Hung and N. T. Hoa, Study of none - linear elastic deformation of metals, Comm. In Phys, Vol. 16, No. 1 (2006), 18 - 25.
6) V. V. Hung and N. T. Hoa, None - linear deformation of binary alloy investigated by SMM, Comm. In Phys. Vol. 16, No. 2 (2006), 121.
7) V. V. Hung and P. T. M. Hanh, Thermodynamic quantities and elastic moduli of zinc - blende semiconductors, Comm. In Phys. Vol. 16, No. 2
8) V. V. Hung, P. T. M. Hanh and N. Q. Hoc, Thermodynamic quantities of semiconductors: Si and GaAs, Comm. In Phys. Vol. 16, No. 1 (2006), 55 - 64.
9) Dao Thi Le Thuy, Nguyen Chinh Cuong and Ha Huy Bang, Stop quark production m+ m- colider in the MSSM with complex parameters, J. Sci. HNUE, No. 1 (2006), 33 - 39.
10) V. V. Hung, Jaichan Lee and D. T. Hai, Study of the Debye - Waller factor of metals at high pressures, J. Sci HNUE, No. 4 (2006), 22.
11) D. V. Soa, D. L. Thuy and L. N. Thuc, Axion and saxion production in electron - position collisions, Comm. in Phys, Vol. 16, No. 2 (2006), 92.
12) D. L. Thuy, D. V. Soa, Production of charge Higgs in electron - position collisions, Comm. in Phys, Vol. 16, No. 4 (2006), 22.
13) V. V. Hung, H. T. Hang and N. T. Hai, Study of impurity - diffusion in silicon, Comm. In Phys. Vol. 17 (2007), 64.
14) V. V. Hung, D. C. Trang and L. T. M. Thanh, Equation of states of zirconia, Comm. In Phys. Vol. 17 (2007), 141.
15) V. V. Hung and L. T. M. Thanh, Study of thermodynamic quantities of (Zr) - CeO2 system, J. Sci. HNUE, No. 1 (2007).
16) V. V. Hung, D. D. Thanh, and N. T. Hoa, Effect of stress on defect diffusion in metals, J. Sci. HNUE, No. 1 (2007), 13.
17) D. V. Soa and D. L. Thuy, Study of the charge Higgs in the 3 - 3 - 1 model at electron - positron collisions, Comm. in Phys, Vol. 16, No. 4 (2007), 222.
18) D. V. Soa, D. L. Thuy and N. Q. Hoan, Associated production of charge Higgs and gauge boson in electron - positron collions, Comm. in Phys, Vol. 17, No. 1 (2007), 1.
19) D. V. Soa et al., Double beta decay in the economical 3 - 3 - 1 model, Comm. in Phys, Vol. 18, No. 1 (2008), 1.
20) Pham Dinh Tam, Nguyen Quang Hoc and Dinh Quang Vinh, Calculation of Helmholtz Free Energy for Substitutional Double Alloy, Journal of Research on Military Technology and Technique Science No. 22 (2008), 72 - 78.
21) N. T. Nhan, V. V. Hung, P. K. Hung, P. H. Kien and T. V. Mung, Local structure of liquid SiO2 under temperature, J. Sci. HNUE, Vol. 53, No. 1 (2008), 74.
22) Nguyen Quang Hoc and Dinh Quang Vinh, Thermodynamic Calculations on Solid Nitrogen, Journal of Research on Military Technology and Technique Science No. 24 (2008), 157 - 161.
23) Tran Huu Phat, Le Viet Hoa, Nguyen Chinh Cuong, Nguyen Tuan Anh and Dinh Thanh Tam, Symmetry Non - restoration at high temperature in the CJT formalism, Comm. in Phys, Vol. 18, No. 2 (2008), 102 - 110.
24) Tran Huu Phat, Le Viet Hoa, Nguyen Tuan Anh, and Nguyen Van Long, High temperature symmetry nonrestoration and inverse symmetry breaking in the Z2
Z2 model, Communications in Physics. Vol. 18, No. 1 (2008), 1 - 8.
25) V. V. Hung and L. T. M. Thanh, Study of thermodynamic quantities in yttria - stabilized zirconia, J. Sci. HNUE, Vol. 54, No. 1 (2009), 52 - 61.
26) Le Viet Hoa and Nguyen Van Thuan, A study of phase transition in the four - nucleon model of nuclear matter, J. Sci. HNUE, Vol. 54. No. 6 (2009), 63 - 65.
27) Nguyen Quang Hoc and Dinh Quang Vinh, Equation of state and melting temperature for solid nitrogen, Journal of Research on Military Technology and Technique Science No. 27 (2009), 64 - 69.
28) Nguyen Quang Hoc, Equation of melting curve for metals and substuttional alloys with cubic structure, Journal of Research on Military Technology and Science No. 1 (2009), 56 - 60.
29) Nguyen Quang Hoc, Configurational energy of substitutional double alloy with cubic structure, Journal of Research on Military Technology and Science No. 1 (2009), 516.
30) Ha Huy Bang, Nguyen Thi Thu Huong and Nguyen Chinh Cuong, Charge pairity violation in the minimal supersymmetric standard model (MSSM) and some new interactions, VNU J. Sci., Math - Phys, Vol. 25, No 3 (2009), 137 - 142.
31) Ha Huy Bang, Nguyen Chinh Cuong and Nguyen Thi Thu Huong, Squarks decay into Quarks and Gluinos in the MSSM with complex parameters, Comm. in Phys, Vol. 20, No. 1 (2010), 15 - 21.
32) L. T. M. Thanh, and V. V. Hung, Thermodynamic properties of zirconia: pressure dependence, J. Sci. HNUE, Vol. 55, No. 1 (2010), 17.
33) Le Viet Hoa, To Manh Kien and Pham The Song, Study of phase transition in binary mixture, J. Sci. HNUE, Vol. 55, No. 6 (2010), 3 - 33.
34) D. V. Soa et al., Creation of radion in RS model in electronic fields, Communications in Physics. Vol. 19, Special Issue (2010), 13.
35) Tran Huu Phat, Le Viet Hoa, Nguyen Tuan Anh, and Nguyen Van Long, Phase transition in binary mixture of bose gases, Communications in Physics. Vol. 20, No. 3 (2010), 277 - 288.
36) H. K. Hieu and V. V. Hung, Investigation of EXAFS cumulants of diamond - type germanium crystal: temperature dependence, J. Sci. HNUE, Vol. 55, No. 1 (2010), 26.
37) V. V. Hung, P. T. T. Hong and N. T. Hai, Study of self - diffusion in GaAS crystal: temperature dependence, Comm. In Phys. Vol. 20, No. 5 (2010).
38) V. V. Hung and N. T. T. Hien, Study of elastic moduli of Fe - C alloys: pressure dependence, J. Sci. HNUE, Vol. 55, No. 6 (2010), 20.
39) D. L. Thuy, L. N. Thuc, D. V. Soa, Photon - axion conversion cross - sections in a resonant cavity with TMm10 model, Communications in Physics. Vol. 20, No. 4 (2010), 359.
40) Nguyen Quang Hoc and Tran Quoc Dat, Specific heat at constant volfor cryocrystals of nitrogen type, Journal of Research on Military Technology and Science No. 11 (2011), 81 - 86.
41) Nguyen Quang Hoc and Nguyen Duc Hien, Study on mechanical and thermodynamic property of molecular cryocrystals CO2 and N2O under pressure, Journal of Research on Military Technology and Science, (2011).
42) V. V. Hung and D. T. Hai, Thermodynamic properties of some rare - earth metals, J. Sci. HNUE, Vol. 56, No. 1 (2011), 3 - 9.
Các bài báo đăng trên tạp chí quốc tế
1) P. V. Dong, H. N. Long, and D. T. Nhung and D. V. Soa, SU_3_C _ SU_3_L _ U_1_X model with two Higgs triplets, Physical review D73 (2006), 035004.
2) Phung Van Dong, Hoang Ngoc Long and Dang Van Soa, Higgs - gauge boson interactions in the economical 3 - 3 - 1 model, Physical review D73 (2006), 075005.
3) Vu Van Hung, Pham Thi Minh Hanh and Nguyen Thanh Hai, Equation of states and melting temperature of zinc - blende semiconductors, IC/061 (2006), 01 - 10.
4) Vu Van Hung, Jaichan Lee and K. Masuda - Jindo, Investigation of thermodynamic properties of cerium dioxide by statistical moment method, Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 67 (2006), 682 - 689.
5) Vu Van Hung, N.T. Hoa and Jaichan Lee, Equation of state and thermodynamic properties of bcc metals, AJSTD Vol. 23 Issues 1&2 (2006), 27 - 42.
6) Vu Van Hung, Le Thi Mai Thanh and Nguyen Thanh Hai, Investigation of thermodynamic quantities of the cubic zirconia by statistical moment method, Advances in Natural Sciences.Vol. 7, No. 1và2 (2006), 21 - 35.
7) Vu Van Hung, Jaichan Lee and K. Masuda - Jindo, Investigation of thermodynamic properties of cerium dioxide by statistical moment method, Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 67 (2006), 682 - 689.
8) Vu Van Hung, Jaichan Leey, K. Masuda - Jindo and P. T. T. Hong, Study of self - diffusion in silicon at high pressure, Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, Vol. 75, No. 2 (2006), 024601.
9) Vu Van Hung, K Masuda - Jindo and Pham Thi Minh Hanh, Application of the statistical moment method to thermodynamic quantities of silicon, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 18 (2006), 283 - 293.
10) Vu Van Hung, Nguyen Thanh Hai, Le Thi Mai Thanh, Calculation of thermodynamic quantities of cubic zirconia by statistical moment method, IC/063 (2006), 1, 16.
11) Nguyen Van Minh, Nguyen Quang Hoc, L. T. Ha Phuong and In - Sang Yang, The effect of fe substitution on the structural transition of LaMn1-xFexO3 manganites: a raman spectroscopy study, Journal of Nonlinear Optical Physics và Materials Vol. 15, No. 3 (2006), 315 - 321.
12) Vu Van Hung, Jaichan Lee, K. Masuda - Jindo and Leejun Kim, First principles study of tantalum thermodynamics by the statistical moment method, Computational Materials Science 37 (2006), 565 - 571.
13) Vu Van Hung, Pham Thi Minh Hanh and Nguyen Thanh Hai, Equation of states and melting temperature of zinc - blende semiconductors, IC/061 (2006), 1 - 10.
14) K. Masuda - Jindo, Vu Van Hung and M. Menon, Strength and crack properties of nanoscale materials by ab initio molecular dynamics and temperature lattice Green’s function methods, International Journal of Fracture 139 (2006), 437 - 454.
15) K. Masuda - Jindo, Vu Van Hung and P.E.A. Turchi, Thermodynamic Properties and Phase Diagram by the Statistical Moment and Cluster Variation Methods: Application to Pure Metals and Ta - W Alloys, Metallurgical and materials transactions a, Vol. 37A (2006), 3403 - 3409.
16) K. Masuda - Jindo, M. Menon and Vu Van Hung, Computer Simulation Study of Mechanical Properties of Nanoscale Materials by Molecular Dynamics and Lattice Green's Function Methods, NSTI 178 (2006), 275.
17) K. Masuda - Jindo, Vu Van Hung, N. T. Hoa and M. Menon, Mechanical properties and defect structures of nanoscale materials by AB initio molecular dynamics and temperature lattice green’s function methods, Nanomechanics and micromechanics, 190 (2006), 186.
18) L.N. Thuc and D.V. Soa, Production and decay of saxion in e+e - collisions, Acta physica slovaca Vol. 56 No. 4 (2006), 485 - 490.
19) Hoang Anh Tuan and Le Duc Anh, Optical conductivity of (iii, mn)v diluted magnetic semiconductors, Modern Physics Letters B. Vol. 21, No. 2&3 (2007), 69 - 77.
20) V. Hung Nguyen, V. Lien Nguyen and T. Anh Pham, Current and shot noise in double barrier resonant tunneling structures in a longitudinal magnetic field, Physical Review B 76 (2007), 235326.
21) Nguyen Thi Thu Huong, Ha Huy Bang, Nguyen Chinh Cuong and Dao Thi Le Thuy, QCD Corrections to Squark Production in e+e- Annihilation in the MSSM with Complex Parameters, International Journal of Theoretical Physics. Vol. 46, No. 1 (2007), 41.
22) P. V. Dong, H. N. Long and D. V. Soa, Neutrino masses in the economical 3 - 3 - 1 model, Physical Review D 75 (2007), 073006.
23) Vu Van Hung, K. Masuda - Jindo and Nguyen Thi Hoa, Study of ideal strengths of metals and alloys by statistical moment method: Temperature dependence, J. Mater. Res, Vol. 22, No. 8 (2007), 2230 - 2240.
24) K. Masuda - Jindo, Vu Van Hung and M. Menon, The thermal, mechanical and electronic properties of nanoscale materials: ab initio study, Materials Science Forum, Vol. 561 - 565 (2007), 1931 - 1934.
25) K. Masuda - Jindo, Vu Van Hung and P. E. A. Turchi, first principles calculations of thermodynamic quantities and phase diagrams of high temperature BCC ta - W and mo - ta alloys, Advanced Materials Research. Vol. 26 - 28 (2007), 205 - 208.
26) K. Masuda - Jindo, Vu Van Hung, and M. Menon, The mechanical, thermal and electronic properties of nanoscale materials by statistical moment and molecular dynamics methods, ECS Transactions, 2 (20) (2007), 39 - 57.
27) Tran Huu Phat, Le Viet Hoa, Nguyen Tuan Anh, and Nguyen Van Long, High temperature symmetry nonrestoration and inverse symmetry breaking in the Cornwall - Jackiw - Tomboulis formalism, Physical Review D 76 (2007), 125027.
28) Tran Huu Phat, Nguyen Tuan Anh, Nguyen Van Long, and Le Viet Hoa, Phase transitions of nuclear matter beyond mean field theory, Physical Review C 76 (2007), 045202.
29) Dang Van Soa, Hoang Ngoc Long and Le Nhu Thuc, Photon axion conversion cross - sections in a resonant cavity, Modern Physics Letters A, Vol. 22, No. 19 (2007), 1411 - 1416.
30) D. V. Soa, D. L. Thuy, L. N. Thuc, and T. T. Huong, Charged Higgs Boson in the Economical 3-3-1 Model, Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics, Vol. 105, No. 6 (2007), ISSN 1063 - 7761, 1107 - 1118.
31) T. Anh Pham, V. Hung Nguyen, V. Lien Nguyen, Phonon - assisted tunneling and shot noise in double barrier structures in a longitudinal magnetic field, Physics Letters A, 372 (2008), 4947 - 4952.
32) Nguyen Van Hieu and Nguyen Bich Ha, V. P. Gerdt, O. Chuluunbaatar, A. A. Gusev, Yu. G. Palii and Nguyen Van Hop, Analytical Asymptotic Expressions for the Green’s Function of the Electron in a Single - Level Quantum Dot at the Kondo and the Fano Resonances, Journal of the Korean Physical Society, Vol. 53, No. 6 (2008), 3645 - 3649.
33) Vu Van Hung, Kinichi Masuda - Jindo1 and Nguyen Thi Hoa, Calculation of Elastic Constants of Cubic Metals by Statistical Moment Method: Temperature Dependence, Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, Vol. 77, No. 10 (2008), 104801.
34) Vu Van Hung, K. Masuda - Jindo, Pham Thi Minh Hanh, and Nguyen Thanh Hai, Equation of states and melting temperatures of diamond cubic and zincblende semiconductors: pressure dependence, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 98 (2008), 032001.
35) K. Masuda - Jindo, V. V. Hung, N.T. Hoa and P.E.A. Turchi, First principles calculations of thermodynamic and mechanical properties of high temperature bcc Ta-W and Mo-Ta alloys, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 452 (2008), 127 - 132.
36) K. Masuda - Jindo, Vu Van Hung and P.E.A Turchi, Application of Statistical Moment Method to Thermodynamic Properties and Phase Transformations of Metals and Alloys, Solid State Phenomena, Vol. 138 (2008), 209 - 240.
37) Tran Huu Phat, Nguyen Van Long, Nguyen Tuan Anh, and Le Viet Hoa, Kaon condensation in the linear sigma model at finite density and temperature, Physical Review D 78 (2008), 105016.
38) T. Anh Pham, R. Gebauer and S. Scandolo, Magnetism and vibrations in the phase
of oxygen, Solid State Communications 149 (2009), 160 - 162.
39) Nguyen Bich Ha and Nguyen Van Hop, Analytical determination of Kondo and Fano resonances of electron Green's function in a single - level quantum dot, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 187 (2009), 012030.
40) Nguyen Van Hop, Density matrix of strongly coupled quantum dot - microcavity system, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 187 (2009), 012066.
41) K. Masuda - Jindo, Vu Van Hung, and M. Menon, Fracture and mechanical properties of nanotubes and nanowires, Procedia Engineering 1 (2009), 163 - 166.
42) Tran Huu Phat, Le Viet Hoa, Nguyen Tuan Anh, Nguyen Van Long, Bose - Einstein condensation in binary mixture of Bose gases, Annals of Physics (2009), 2074 - 2094.
43) D. V. Soa, P. V. Dong, T. T. Huong and H. N. Long, Bilepton Contributions to the Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay in the Economical 3-3-1 Model1, Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics, Vol. 108, No. 5 (2009), ISSN 1063 - 7761, 757 - 763.
44) Bui Duc Tinh and Baruch Rosenstein, Theory of Nernst effect in high - Tc superconductors, Physical Review B 79 (2009), 024518.
45) B D Tinh and B Rosenstein, Theory of Nernst effect in Layered Superconductors, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 153 (2009), 012030.
46) D.T. Bu and B. Rosenstein, Structure and Pinning of the Moving Vortex Matter in Type II Superconductors, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 150 (2009), 052028.
47) Huy - Viet Nguyen and Stefano de Gironcoli, Van der Waals coefficients of atoms and molecules from a simple approximation for the polarizability, Physical Review B 79 (2009), 115105.
48) Huy Viet Nguyen and Stefano de Gironcoli, Efficient calculation of exact exchange and RPA correlation energies in the adiabatic - connection fluctuation - dissipation theory, Physical Review B 79 (2009), 205114.
49) Nguyen Thi Thu Huong, Nguyen Chinh Cuong, Ha Huy Bang, Dao Thi Le Thuy, Squark Pair Production at Muon Colliders in the MSSM with CP Violation, Int. J. Theor. Phys., 49 (2010), 1457 - 1464.
50) P.V. Dong, L. T. Hue, and H. N. Long, D.V. Soa, The 3 - 3 - 1 model with A4 flavor symmetry, Physical Review D 81 (2010), 053004.
51) Van Hop Nguyen, Quantum dynamics of a three - spin - qubit system, Adv. Nat. Sci.: Nanosci. Nanotechnol., 1 (2010), 035007.
52) Vu Van Hung, Ho Khac Hieu, K. Masuda - Jindo, Study of EXAFS cumulants of crystals by the statistical moment method and anharmonic correlated Einstein model, Computational Materials Science 49 (2010), S214 - S217.
53) Vu Van Hung, Le Thi Mai Thanh, K. Masuda - Jindo, Study of thermodynamic properties of cerium dioxide under high pressures, Computational Materials Science 49 (2010), S355 - S358.
54) P. V. Dong, L. T. Hue, and H. N. Long, The 3 - 3 - 1 model with A4 flavor symmetry, Physical Review D 81 (2010), 053004 - 01, 10.
55) Bui Duc Tinh, Dingping Li, and Baruch Rosenstein, Electrical conductivity beyond a linear response in layered superconductors under a magnetic field, Physical Review B 81 (2010), 224521 - 01, 08.
56) B. D. Tinh and B. Rosenstein, Nernst Signal in High - Tc Superconductors, J Supercond Nov Magn 23 (2010), 815 - 817.
57) P. V. Dong, H. N. Long, D. V. Soa and V. V. Vien, The 3 - 3 - 1 model with S4 flavor symmetry, Eur. Phys. J., C 71 (2011), 1544.
58) Ho Khac Hieu and Vu Van Hung, Study of thermodynamic properties of zinc - blende - type semiconductors: temperature and pressure dependences, Modern Physics Letters B, Vol. 25, No. 12&13 (2011), 1041 - 1051.
59) Nguyen Van Hung, Vu Van Hung, Ho Khac Hieu, Ronald R.Frahm, Pressure effectsinDebye-Wallerfactorsandin EXAFS, Physica B406 (2011), 456 - 460.
60) Vu Van Hung And Bui Duc Tinh, Jaichan Lee, Study of ionic conductivity in cubic ceria by the statistical moment method, Modern Physics Letters B.Vol. 25, Nos. 12 và 13 (2011), 1101 - 1110.
Các bài báo đăng tại các hội thảo, hội nghị trong nước
1) Vu Van Hung, Ha Dang Khoa và N. Thi Phuong Lan, Xây dựng biểu thức tính năng lượng tự do và hằng số mạng của hợp kim ba thành phần bằng phương pháp thống kê mômen, Kỉ yếu Hội nghị Vật lí chất rắn toàn quốc lần thứ 5 (2007), 625 - 628.
2) Nguyen Quang Hoc and Dinh Quang Vinh, Thermodynamic Calculations on Solid Nitrogen, Proc. of the 5th National Conference on Solid State Physics (2007), Vung Tau, 547 - 549.
3) Pham Dinh Tam and Nguyen Quang Hoc, Study on Thermodynamic Theory of Substitutional Double Alloy by Statistical Moment Method, Proc. of the 5th National Conference on Solid State Physics (2007), Vung Tau, 550 - 553.
4) Nguyen Quang Hoc and Tran Quoc Dat, Specific Heat at Constant Vol. for Cryocrystals of Nitrogen Type, Proc. Natl. Conf. Theor. Phys.35 (2010), 228 - 234.
5) Pham Dinh Tam, Nguyen Quang Hoc, Le Tien Hai and Pham Duy Tan, Order - disorder phase transition in Cu3Au under pressure, Proc. Natl.Conf. Theor. Phys.35 (2010), 142 - 147.
6) Pham Dinh Tam, Pham Duy Tan, Nguyen Quang Hoc and Phung Dinh Phong, Melting of metals Cu, Ag and Au under pressure, Proc. Natl.Conf.Theor.Phys.35 (2010), 148 - 152.